Home Page of Craig Berry’s Site
Hi there. My website recently had a pretty significant fender-bender and is in the shop getting repaired đŸ˜‰ I will be reconstituting the content here just as quickly as time permits. Thanks for your patience, and please call back again soon.
I recognize that building a personal website is, by definition, an exercise in narcissism. In recognition of this, I have endeavored to keep "shameless self-promotion" to a minimum whilst retaining the essential characteristics of a personal web site.
If you have feedback, comments or (constructive) critique, please send me an email directly. I do my best to return all respectful and constructive messages in a timely manner, but occasionally, especially after mid 2013, my time within internet range will be limited. In these cases, I recommend using my Facebook page as this will be the most accessible method of communication during some stages of my more remote travels.
Thanks for dropping by.
Cheers,.. Craig